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Monday, November 11, 2013

Life in Limbo

Diagnosed, but not I or don't I???

Sitting and waiting for the call of my results from this round of tests. I may have IA, I may have something else. Which is it? Because wouldn't that affect what medication I take? Wouldn't that affect my future? Why is this so hard to diagnose with absolute certainty? Why is it that the only for sure diagnosis is, "well, all your tests are positive, so yeah, you have IA"?? I can't wait for there to be a better way to help people that suffer from mast cell disorders.

My current doctor (number 4) says he wants to test me for pulmonary disorders........uh........ok?

And why are labs so freaking slow???? 3 to 5 days???? Really??? How come someone isn't in the back running the tests as the blood is drawn? SMH!!!!

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