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Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Testing, testing 1...2...3 (part 2)

Yes, I can ramble. And I find myself chasing here's the rest of the story.

The allergist I chose was one that happened to be on my insurance and close to my work. After discussing my history with anaphylaxis, he told me some interesting things...

I have had a history of medical issues that have caused me to undergo surgery 15 times, starting at 6 weeks old. According to him, the episodes could simply be that my body is burnt out on medication of all sorts. Surgery is very traumatic to you body, and since I had an extensive history of being cut open, that could be the issue...only the tests would be able to tell.

He also informed me that he believed that I had IA (Idiopathic Anaphylaxis) and that if he was right, allergy test would show that I am not allergic to anything, which is why it's called known cause.

So I scheduled the test. 150 allergy tests, all at once. Just get it over with was my thought.....uh....bad decision! It took just under four hours for them to prick/scratch me with the allergens. Wait half an hour and no reactions except to cats. Which I already knew. Not wanting to accept his initial diagnosis, I thought he just wasn't testing for the right things. Round 2 - another 150 tests. Again, no reactions. Round 3 - blood tests to check my baseline triptase level. I call a few days later for the results, and the lab messed up the sample. Needed to go back for round 4. Waited another couple of days, and call to find out that they (yet again) had messed up the test.

So I schedule an appointment with the allergist to see how he wants to handle it. He instructs me to start taking Zyrtec every day and that when I have my next episode, they can obtain the triptase level then and possibly get a baseline a few days after the reaction. He hands me some pamphlets on Idiopathic Anaphylaxis and tells me that he is positive that this is what I have. He was very sweet because he gave me a few minutes to read what he had given me, came in and did everything he could to calm me down. I know I looked like a deer in the headlights. I told him flat out that I didn't like his diagnosis and that I wouldn't accept it. He was very understanding and told me to go and get a second opinion, and that I would discover that I am not allergic to anything and that his diagnosis is correct.

So I did just that.

Now keep in mind, during all of this, I am continuing to have episodes of anaphylactic shock that happen to coincide with taking medication. Antibiotics, over the counter meds (one of which being Claritin) and unable to figure out what is causing it.

So allergist #2 - There's no such thing as Idiopathic Anaphylaxis. We just haven't found what's triggering the episodes. Let's do more tests.

The more tests included an additional 400 allergy tests, a blind test with the Claritin to see if I reacted and scoping my throat to watch the swelling during the blond test. Of course, I didn't have a reaction. His prognosis: I'm having seizures in my throat. Don't take the epi because I just need to let my throat close, when I pass out from lack of oxygen, my throat will relax, and problem solved.

EXCUSE ME??????!!!!!!!!!!! I DON'T THINK SO!!!!!!

So I gave up. Just live with it and hope for the best. Well, truthfully, I thought all doctors were idiots and what happened was a freak thing that would never happen again.

Then three weeks ago, the signs started again. Throat turning red, tightness in my chest, and feeling my throat swell, but not quite closing.

So my journey picks back up here....I found an Immunologist who has dealt with this disease before and I see him for the first time on Friday. Kind of curious what will happen next.......

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh I can't believe that advice! Ive found using my own common sense and rotation diet, careful medication attempts, and going chemical scent free has helped me more than any random medical advice. Oh and sleep and exercise when able. So sorry you're going through this but glad you're blogging!
